If you would like to add special assets to your account that can be registered to employees, you can easily do this using the Asset function in fleet setup.
New asset setup
- Userdefined fields
Before creating new equipment, it is best to make sure you have all the basics in place first. To begin with, you just have to consider whether you want to create your own custom fields for your assets. These can be examples such as: Purchased by, Purchased date, Employee responsible etc. If you do not create user-defined fields from the start, you can add them later, but will have to fill in the field on all assets created instead of immediately when the asset is created.
Read more about creating custom user fields here
- Asset categories
The next thing you will need to setup are asset categories. All categories you create must be assigned an asset type. We have already created these types for you so its easy fr you to group your categories. Types available to you: Electronics, Vehicle under license plate, Machine, Equipment, Tools and Other.
An asset category can be, for example: "Electrically powered machinery" and "Fuel-powered machinery" under the machine type. You, as admin, can add asset categories by clicking System setup > Fleet management > Asset categories.
- Create new asset
With the basics in place, you can now create a new asset on the account. You will find it under the menu item Assets > Asset. Here there will be a series of tabs with information that you can choose to fill in as you wish. Some are required and others are not. If you have created your own custom fields in your system setup for assets, they will appear during creation here. Below you see an example of a finished asset setup.