It may happen that you can see in your live map, that your fleet vehicle is in the wrong location or is not where it should be. This may be because the tracker has been removed or it is not installed correctly.
1. When did the tracker last call in to the Mileage Book server?
This can be checked by going to fleet management > Map and locate the vehicle and press the arrow on the map for the vehicle. in the dialog box, there will be a status for the latest signal - That is, when it last made a registration to the Mileage Book server.
If the device has not called in to the servers recently, it is possible that it has been pushed/moved so that it no longer works correctly. In this case, it may be necessary to open the tracker to find out if the insides are still sitting as they should.
2. The unit has been removed from a "cold" car.
If the device has not called in to the Mileage Book servers recently, it could also be that it has been uninstalled from the vehicle. If the device has been removed from a "cold" car - A car that has been stationary for a few hours before going out for a drive, the tracker will not be able to read that it has been removed. Therefore, please check whether the unit is installed correctly in the car.
Should the above not solve the problem, contact Mileage Book support on 70 25 11 00 or via email at