Do you press Start/Stop in your app yourself? Then you may experience that your phone does not register your trips correctly. It may be that the Mileage Book does not record the distance or the GPS coordinates you drive to and from as they should. Some of the most common reasons can be:
- No GPS signal
- The GPS does not update your location
- The GPS shows the wrong location
- The compass on your mobile shows the wrong direction
- The app cannot find your location
Possible solutions
1. Check if your location service is set up correctly
One of the most common problems is that permission is not given for Mileage Book to use the phone's location and thus the GPS signal. To allow this, see this guide GPS settings for iPhone & Android
2. Restart the phone
A simple restart of the phone can solve a large part of the problems that can occur on the phone.
3. Ensure that you have the latest IOS version installed
Apple regularly releases new updates for their devices. With these new software updates, there are changes to the phone itself. The implementation of these changes may affect the behavior of various applications in the phone. If your phone remains on an older IOS version, it is possible that you will continue to experience complications with your applications. It is therefore important that you keep your phone up to date by always having the latest IOS version installed.
4. Ensure that you have the latest app version installed
Like Apple, Mileage Book also regularly releases updates. These updates may be some features and bug fixes in the app. See the guide Automatic update of apps - iPhone/Android
5. Make sure you have a good signal
It is important that you have a good internet connection for your GPS to work. Interference with the signal can result in poor internet signal, leaving you with either an imprecise GPS or, in the worst case, no GPS signal. If you are in a building where the signal cannot get through, you will have to leave the building to restore the signal.
6. Restart your location service
In some cases, a simple restart of the location service can solve the problem. You do this simply by turning airplane mode on and off in the control center. This turns off all your wireless connections and re-establishes them when you turn it off again.
If you still experience problems after reviewing the above, please contact Mileage Book support at or on +45 70 25 11 00