When you are about to start your ESG reporting, you can use Mileage Book to retrieve statistics that can help you on your way.
Once you have set up your points and distributed them according to your specific fleet, you can see how your points affect your graphs on the green dashboard page.
If you have not set up your points yet, you can see how to do it here.
The Green Dashboard Overview
Here you can see an overview of all the rules and parameters that play a role in your green numbers. For each heading, you can access a separate page with further details about the topic in the right corner.
CO₂ Points last 30 days
Here on the page you can see how your points have been distributed. If the dial is not satisfactory for you, you can always change it during your setup. You can choose between two display types; as a graph or as a list view. You can switch between them via the small gray tab with icons on the far right of the page. By choosing to view your points as a list, you also get the option to pull an excel file on your data.
CO₂ emissions
For the heading CO₂ emissions, you can see how much CO₂ has been emitted from your fleet. You can choose to view it as a graph or pull it out as an excel file by choosing list view instead. You do this on the far right in the small tab with the two small icons.
Fuel distribution
On the fuel page, you can see how the distribution of fuel types is in your fleet. You can choose between viewing as a graph or as a list view. You switch by clicking on the small gray tab with icons on the far right.
Driving pattern: Idling, fast acceleration and hard braking.
For idling, fast acceleration and hard braking, you will be directed to a page for general driving patterns. On this page you can filter by the type of driving pattern you are most interested in seeing details about.
Unlike your point values, these are preset in the platform based on our tracker supplier's specifications.
They are defined as the following:
- Number of minutes a vehicle is allowed to idle at a time (minimum 3 minutes): 3 minutes
- Upper limit for rapid accelerations (minimum 2.5 m/s² and max 10.0 m/s²): 2.7
- Upper limit for hard braking (minimum 2.7 m/s² and max 10.0 m/s²): 2.5
- Upper limit for rapid cornering (minimum 2.7 m/s² and max 10.0 m/s²): 3.4