In the Mileage Book app, you will find five different tabs in the lower bar. These five tabs have different functions and features. In this article you will be introduced to each of the tabs and have a walkthrough on how each of these tabs function.
The five tabs consists of the following:
New This is the default tab, when you open the app. This is the main tab, which is where you will start/stop your trips. The tab features a map, where you can keep track on where you are driving. In the top left corner, you will see a car brand icon (If you have more than one car registered). You can press the icon and select the car, which you will be driving in. You also have the option to enter a trip manually on this tab. You will find this option on the right, next to the START-button. Here you enter the following information:
When done, just press the Save button. |
Unprocessed The Unprocessed tab is meant for the Pro+ users, who uses the automatic start-stop feature. When a trip has been registered using the automatically, it will placed in this tab. Here you will have to fill out the purpose of the trip. After the purpose has been entered, you will have to either swipe the specific trip right to approve or swipe left to discard the trip. |
Book In the Book tab, you have an overview of your monthly trips. In the top bar, to the left you will be able to change which car you want to show trips for. To the right of the car brand icon, you will be able to see which month you are currently viewing and in the top left and right corners you will be able to switch back and forth between the months. On the funnel icon in the top right corner you can filter and sort which trips you would like to see in your book and whether they should be sorted by newest or oldest first. If you are missing a trip, you can check your filter and see if it is set correctly. In the lower bar, you will find information on how many kilometers or miles you have driven and the amount of money you have earned the specific month.
Export In the Export tab you have the option to either export your mileage log or post your mileage allowance directly in your preferred accounting system. Read more about our partnered integrations here. |
Settings The last tab is the Settings tab, where you will find the following settings: