Standard available roles
- ADMINISTRATOR: Access to system setup, employee creations, licenses and management of tracking devices.
FLEET ADMINISTRATOR: As a fleet admin, you have the opportunity to create vehicles, see the cars on the live map and edit the setup of your fleet management account as well as all settings for the handling center, co2 points, fleet rules regarding schedules, speeds, routes and zones. You can have multiple fleet managers on one account.
FLEET AGENT: As a fleet agent you are a user of fleet cars. The fleet agent can see the dashboard, live map, create a damage report, order vehicles, bookings, addresses, driving overview, rule violations, pool cars, tasks and green dashboard. The fleet agent cannot edit some settings or details.
CONTROLLER: Final receipt and run approver. The role approves what the Approve role has already approved. For larger organizations it can be good to have team leaders to approve the individual teams and then have department heads to be controllers. Controller can also be a finance assistant/responsible who handles payroll and accounts in the company.
APPROVER: Approves driving and/or receipts. Typically team leader, middle manager or whoever is directly responsible as a small group of employees.
- USER-DEFINED ROLES: In Mileage Book it is also possible to assign specific roles to employees that give them access to view or edit limited parts of the system. For an introduction to "Roller" you can follow this guide. A custom role will not override a default role.
How to edit employee roles
If you need to add or remove user-rights for an already created employee, you start by finding the employee from the employee page "System setup > Employees". You can search for the employee's name, e-mail or employee number at the top of the page. You then click the pencil icon to the right of the employee to be able to edit the employee. At the bottom of the page you can view and edit the employee's rights. Remember to click save when you have finished editing the employee.